RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are available on the category level for products that are available for sale to the general public (as determined by the Product Visibility value).
The new Display RSS Icon option in the Order Management System (Layout/Edit Main Layout/Product Section Options/Product List/Display RSS Icon) causes a small RSS icon to appear in the upper right corner of appropriate Product List screens in the BtoC Online Store. Clicking the icon generates an RSS Feed for visitors, displaying the 10 most recently created products.
RSS feed URLs take the form: (or http://DomainAlias/shared/storefront/rss.asp&Category=CN, if you are using a Domain Alias) where CN represents a Category Number, or All in the case of the All Products category.
Note: To display the most recently updated products (instead of the most recently created products), add &SortBy=lastupdated to the end of a RSS feed URL.