How can we verify the accuracy of a shipping address, or warn the customer if they've mis-typed their address?
Navigate to Settings / Compatible Software / Online Shipping Tools and check the box for UPS Address Validation. You do not need to be shipping with UPS in order to use this tool, but you do need to activate the UPS OnLine tools. (See q743 in the help desk for instructions on activating the UPS Online Tools.) UPS Address Validation validates the city, state, and zip code of every Contact, Ship To, and Bill To address in the system. In both the Online Store and Order Management System, users are notified whenever an address fails validation, and up to 10 correct address suggestions are given. On the Online Shipping Tools Preferences screen, you may choose whether or not the user is permitted to proceed without correction. If the user proceeds without correction, the address is flagged as invalid on the Order Detail or Customer Detail screen (as appropriate) of the Order Management System.
Note: UPS Address Validation is for addresses in the United States only. International addresses are not validated.