searchable manual, training guide, instructions, downloadable manual, downloadable training guide
Is there a complete manual and instruction guide to all the functions of Nexternal that I can download?
Because of the vast number of functions that can be used in multiple different ways and in multiple different combinations to produce different results, as well as the constant updates and upgrades Nexternal makes to functionality, the short answer to your question is "no".
However, there are several resources available to you for training and instructions:
1. The little question marks throughout the Order Management System contain very helpful explanations, instructions, and tips.
2. The searchable help desk within your Order Management System contains lots of very helpful Q&A.
3. Your account manager is available to you for unlimited support, M-F during regular business hours. Your account manager info can be found at the top of the settings section in your Order Management System.
4. You are welcome to ask specific questions using this electronic help desk, and
5. You can find a wealth of video information on our YouTube channel at
Also, be sure to navigate to your User record within the Order Management System and ensure that the box to receive periodic updates from Nexternal is checked.