coupon, multiple coupons in one order, Internal Category
How do we signify more than one coupon code per transaction?We would like to create a coupon code for more than one product to be used on the same transaction.
Multiple coupons cannot be applied to a single order. However, one coupon may apply to several products if you are discounting the products at the same discount rate. Refer to the Coupon Application Tool Tip for more information on how to accomplish this. From the OMS click Coupon/scroll to the Coupon Application section/click Tool Tip question mark. If the products that will be discounted in this coupon: 1) are in the same category with the same discount, you can choose that category from the Coupon Application selections. 2) are in multiple categories with the same discount, an internal category can be created then associated with each of the products in the coupon. This internal category can be hidden so it does not appear in your store by choosing Internal in the Visibility section of the category set up. If you choose this path be sure to customize your coupon activation message so it doesn’t refer to a category that the customer can’t see. 3) each have a different discount – this cannot be done in a single coupon.